Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Feeding the Fish

Last weekend, we headed to one of our favorite places......Cabelas. While I was doing a little shopping, Chad, Ben and Grandma Nada were feeding the fish. I did not see this video until I was downloading my pictures and loved it. I thought I had to share it. Ben is such a little character and when he does talk, it is important! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Halloween Time!

This Halloween lasted longer than any holiday ever! It was filled with fun but I was getting pretty tired with it by the time it was finally here! I found this great Ben 10 costume for Sam which he loved and Jessica and I thought it would be the cutest thing ever for Jack to be Woody and Ben be Buzz Lightyear. It would have except Ben was scared to death of his costume. He kept telling me "No like it, Mom!" So after weeks of trying to bribe him, trick him and literally sticking him into it, he gave in and wore the jet pack. Jenna got Jess and I and the boys (oh! and Katelyn!) tickets to go to Trick-or-Treat Street down at South Town Expo! It was great fun! Sam was miles ahead of us knocking on the doors and getting his treats while we followed slowly behind with Ben knocking at each door also. He loved turning around and showing them his jet pack. It was a ton of fun! Then I had a Halloween dinner for a group of friends the next week. A fun family Halloween party at Jenni and Todd's home, Sam had a school Halloween party, we went to Jenna's work, Jaclyn's work and DMBA to trick-or-treat and then finally trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. So as you can see I was kind of glad it was over!.......don't tell my boys!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Family

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy

Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Meal Ticket!

So I will start out this post with yesterdays basketball practice with Sam! Our wonderful little Sam! He does remind me a bit of myself when I played ball! Mom and Dad always said I was more interested in everything going on outside of the game and so does Sam. He spent a lot of time pretending to choke the boy behind him, transform the other players into Ben 10 aliens, and show off a few of his dance moves! Gotta love him and laugh!

Better late than never!!

Okay! What can I say! It has been a bit since I blogged last and everyone has commented on it so here we go again!