Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easter 2009

Yep, a little late....better late than never right? Chad was over seas for Easter this year. I wanted to still try and make it a great time even though we missed him a ton! Chad's mom stopped in for the holiday and we went to a few Easter egg hunts. One in Copperton where my sister-in-law Tonya lives and then my sister Jenna who works for KSL invited us to attend their Easter egg hunt at "This Is The Place." We had a great time and got lots of goods. Sunday after church we went back up to Copperton to have dinner with family. We had a great time but sure missed Dad!!


Jennica said...

Seriously almost fell off my chair!!!! You actually posted and not one but 3!!! Man is it a lucky day! Your boys look so cute! and so tall! How's the summer going for ya?
Miss you tons!

daisey dew said...

Glad to see new posts...I know...I know...I shouldn't talk. I can't believe the changes in Ben and Sam...they are growing up so fast! Love you all!

Kami said...

your blog sucks....update it for petes sake. arghhhhhhhh................

Jennica said...

Hey Kass! just getting settled in our house, yay! would love to chat and catch up, shoot me an email or something.